About 2 years ago when I started Reilly Clan 11, one of my first posts was a picture tour of our home. Well a lot has changed in those two year so I thought I would do a updates tour. But you really should look at the old post so here is the link...... http://reillyclan11.blogspot.com/2008/06/our-home.html
Here are the pictures. Enjoy....
Here are the pictures. Enjoy....
From the front porch......
The tree house we built together...... There is the chicken pen, the shed, and the green house......
The green house and the wood pile......
These is all the way to the end of the field, there is Lady, chicken house and pen, and the green house.....
A better idea on how big the chicken pen is....
The pig pen, which I think was there before, but I know it is bigger now then it was.....
I am standing in front of the green house this is the house, not much different there....
The back of the house, there is the wood shed Christian built, and the little rock flower box....