126. Walking sticks, the bug
127. Praying Mantes, also the bug
128. Trees that loose there leaves in the fall and get new ones in the spring, in other words not evergreens
129. The USA post offices, I love getting and sending letters
130. Cars that run well
131. Street signs that keep us safe and help us find our way
132. Brown, farm fresh, eggs
133. The flag of the USA
134. Parks to play baseball at
135. Sermons that I come away having learned some thing
136. Bald eagles, they are so great for pictures
137. The peace of knowing for sure that I am going to heaven when I die
138. Hills to roll and slide down
139. Bikes
140. Snow
141. White Christmas, not the movies
142. Christmas, the wonderful blessing of Christ come to earth as a baby
143. Baby ducks, they are so cute
144. Trains
145. Whales
146. Seals
147. Poppies, red and white are the best
148. Nikon D40 cameras
149. My grandpa teaching me to shoot guns
150. Know that
if needed, I can shoot a gun to save my family, and not miss