So a couple days after we had the Holston's over we had my grandpa up for a visit so we decide to go to a museum. But before we could go there we had to stop at a metal junk yard to get some metal for Christian to practice welding with later on that week. I decided to take more random pictures then I normally do, just to try out that way of taking pictures. It was a lot of fun and I had a great time doing it. So here are the pictures, some of then pointless, others cool, and others just plain silly. I hope you enjoy my silly random picture post.

A window at the junk yard.

With in a car, what is left of the windshield (note I took all these pictures from inside the car, I did not get out at all)

Tire stack....

More tires....

Just a cool looking cab of a car smashing machine

Tin cans

Look a whale is flying!!!!!!

What is left of some car....

More leftovers.....

Car on truck....


I think the tires are cool looking on this truck....

A smashed car...

USA Auto Salvage Machine

Draining the oils out of these car...

Finely done, it took him soooooooo long....

And when he finally did finish, he stopped and talked to this guy for the next 10 minutes and we were waiting for him to get done so we could watch him squash the van before we left.

Finally he is moving it...

And all that is left of the van

We stop at another store and I took all these pictures of this beautiful red poppies


Stop signs....

Yellow cement truck and stop sign...

I like this one...

And this one....

A cute sign...

A painting of an eagle...

And an Elk....

I thought this was very funny, I took the picture of the building and then I say what was in the window, I don't like the movie it came from but I thought it was funny looking. It like there is always some one watching you through the window.

After we left that last store we found out we had a flat tire from the junk yard. It is a really big nail....

So we went here to get it fixed....

Then we went here, because it was right across the street....

I like the pitcher and cups....

Who is it?

A pretty lamp....

A cute purse...

An ugly desk

This was funny, I got my finger in the way... I don't do that very often so it is always funny when I do.....

Cool old fashion metal wall art

Cool old copper pepper shaker....

Fun candle holder...

This was really cool look but I am not sure what the point of it is......

Cool picture of the tassel on a pillow.....

Cute picture.....

You read it.... I will try to post what it say later

I love this light house picture...

Just a fun curly thing, This will be fun to play with.....

Is she not the cutest little thing you ever did see????!!!!! :)

And then we ended the day by coming home to this,( LOL :)
never making it to the museum, but still having a great day.