
See Reilly Clan 11, a blog started in June of 2008 with more love, fun, and Pictures at......

We still look at it from time to time so if you go looking drop us a line and let us know. We love to know when others enjoy the things we have enjoyed.


Monday, June 27, 2011

1,000 Blessings Challenge 101-125

101. Garage sales
102. Thrifty stories, both of which you can get almost anything you need, and things you don’t need, at a much lower price then other stores
103. That my mom and dad are in love
104. The beauty of the Puget Sound as you are driving by
105. The Stormy Espresso Shop {my most favorite coffee shop, it has the best coffee in town}
106. Homemade blueberry fritter,mmmmmmmmm
107. Earrings, long short, round, square, star, heart, etc. Most of all my new chocolate colored, fresh water pearl, dangle earrings.
108. Friends that I can talk to for two hours straight and still not run out of things to talk about
109. Racks that go onto the top of our van so we can get a ladder, or big stroller, or tool chest for the back of my dads truck, and still carry it all home, even with the car full of us.
110. People who help you out of the blue just because they can.
The other day we were trying to get the tool chest on top of our van and did not have any tie downs and this guy, who saw how we were having a hard time, just gave us a tie down so that we could take the thing home. It really brightened our day.
111. Puffy white clouds that turn pink and gold on the bottom when the sun is setting
112. The sun
113. The moon
114. Our Van
115. That my brothers and Dad can take a rusty old bike, take it apart repaint it and have an almost new looking bike for my little brothers birthday
116. Snow covered mountains
117. Thunder storms when you are safe inside with a good book and hot chocolate, or coffee
118. The Soldiers of the USA
119. Fall colors
120. The little white daisies that grow all over your laws and most people think are weeds
121. Irises, that smell like root beer
122. Red, yellow, pink, purple, blue, and any other color roses
123. White gladiola
124. Camera tripod
125. June bugs (does any one know what kind of bug this is? No looking it up. If you do not then comment and I well find and post pictures of then)

1 comment:

Carilyn said...

We met our first June bug in Eastern Washington a few years ago. We brought some home, but they probably all died, or got loose. In any case, we haven't met many since then - only 1 that I can think of! =)